NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Town board of the Town of Wrightstown will hold a Public Hearing at the Wrightstown Town Hall in Greenleaf on Wednesday, May 9t,h 2018, 7:25 pm to receive public input, concern and comment regarding the following:
1) Review a request from Raymond VandeVoort to rezone 2.3 acres from Ex-Ag to Ag-Res on Fair Rd. Parcel W-296-1
Notice will be posted at the Town Hall, Greenleaf Wayside Bank, Greenleaf PB Store; Dick’s Family Foods in Wrightstown and also at Any person wishing to attend whom, because of disability, requires special accommodations, contact the town clerk, at 6578 Ledgetop Dr., Greenleaf, (920) 609-7927, by 2 P.M. the business day prior to the meeting so that arrangements can be made.
Submitted this 5th day of April, 2018
Richard Gerbers
Zoning Administrator Town of Wrightstown