Public Hearing – VanNoie/Laabs


                                                                                    PUBLIC HEARING


NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Town Board of  the Town of Wrightstown will hold a Public Hearing at the Wrightstown Town Hall in Greenleaf on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 7:20 pm to receive public input, concern and comment regarding the following:

Review a request from Peter Van Noie to rezone 44 acres from Ex-Ag to Ag-Res. on Birch Creek Rd., Parcel W-566. 


Review a request from Casey and Sara Laabs 6324 CTH W Parcel W-741-1 to rezone 8 acres from Ag-Res to B-1 Community Business.

Notice will be posted at the Town Hall, Greenleaf Wayside Bank, Greenleaf PB Store; Dick’s Family Foods in Wrightstown and also at www.townofwrightstown.org.  Any person wishing to attend whom, because of disability, requires special accommodations, contact the town clerk, at 6578 Ledgetop Dr., Greenleaf, (920) 609-7927, by 2 P.M. the business day prior to the meeting so that arrangements can be made.

Notice posted this 30th day of January, 2018.


Town Clerk