Public Hearing on Budget


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on  November 2, 6:30 p.m. at Town of Wrightstown Town Hall 1527 Day,
Greenleaf, a PUBLIC HEARING on the PROPOSED BUDGET of Town of Wrightstown, Brown County.
The proposed budget in detail is available for in spection by contacting the Town Clerk (920)609-7927.
The following is a summary:
2015 2016 2016 2017
REVENUES Actual Estimate Budget Estimate Change
Prop/PP Taxes & Loan 521813 530644 530644 537003 1.20%
Mobile Home Taxes 6,415 6,500 5500 5000
Shared Revenues 69,152 68,787 43990 68497
Transportation Aid 119,767 119,766 119766 123862
Licenses & Permits 15,420 13,000 25250 21500
Interest 3,500 4,000 4350 4000
Recycling Rev/Grants 5,453 4,400 5300 4400
Franchise/Trans Fees 10,366 10,000 10200 10000
Bridge Fund 25,000 25,000 25000 0
Bridge Fund Transfer 73300 10526
2% Fire Dues 7,028 7,300 23510 23500
Solid Waste 116,300 117,300 117000 117450
TRIP Funds 15,000 13,480 27023 0
MiscTx/SpecLtrs 13,541 13,300 12935 13500
Total Revenues 928,755 933,477 1023768 939238 -8.26%
Public Safety 252,680 259,797 260036 256249
Transportation 371,839 380,180 412016 409000
Sanitation 121,242 135,200 127906 132700
General Government 112,497 129,300 134720 134150
Conser. & Development 17,415 29,000 29000 32000
2% Fire Dues 7,028 7,300 23510 23550
Total Expenditures 882,701 940,777 987188 987649 0.05%
2016 Committed Funds:  Fair Rd Bridge 25,000                   Stadium Sales Tax fund 118700
                                   Paving cul de sacs 34,000
Estimate Reserve as of 12/31/2016 343,000
                           THE TOWN OF WRIGHTSTOWN, BROWN COUNTY
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on  November 2, 2016, immediately following the Public Hearing
on the proposed 2017 Town Budget which begins at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, a special town
meeting of the electors will be called pursuant to Section 60.12(1)(c) of WI Stats by the Town Board
to approve:
1 Compensation for elected town officals for next term pursuant to Sec 60.10(1)(b)(1) WisStats;
2 To adopt the 2016 Town tax levy to be collected in 2017 pursuant to Sec60.10(1)(a) of WisStats
                                         TOWN BOARD MEETING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on  November 2, 2016, immediately following the completion of Special
Town Meeting of Electors, which follows the Public Hearing on proposed year 2017  budget, which
begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall, Town of Wrightstown, a town board meeting will be held for the
following purposes:
1. For the town board to discuss and adopt the Year 2017 Budget for the Town of Wrightstown.
Dated this 16th day of October, 2016.
Donna Martzahl, Clerk – Town of Wrightstown