Town Budget 2016


BUDGET – 2016
Equalized Value: 188422600 (includes personal property)
Assessed Value: 179159600 (includes personal property)
2014 2015 2015 2016
Actual Estimate Budget Proposed
EXPENDITURES: (planned) (spent)
1 Board Salary 21000 25000 25000 25000
2 Clerk Salary 17000 20000 20000 20000
3 Clerk Expenses 1963 3200 3200 3000
4 Treasurer Salary 9000 9000 9000 9000
5 Treasurer Expenses 897 1000 800 1000
6 Board of Review 150 200 200 200
7 Board Expense 3204 1700 2000 2500
8 Assessor Salary 9400 10200 10200 10200
9 Assessor Expenses 901 500 75 500
10 Zoning Administrator Exp. & Salary 4824 6500 5100 6500
11 Building Inspector 8314 12000 4500 10000
12 Zoning, Planning Commissions 3705 5000 3400 4000
13 Social Security (town portion) 4228 4900 4900 4900
14 Elections 6638 5300 4350 9000
15 Legal Fees/Consulting 6323 6000 12250 10000
16 Insurance 4210 5000 4344 5000
17 Audit 5150 4500 4500 5000
18 Health Officer & Weed Comm. 100 100 100 100
19 Capital Improvement, Town Hall 0 1000 80 1000
20 Town Hall Expenses 1933 2000 2000 2000
21 Web Site Cost & Expenses 290 350 315 400
109230 123450 116314 129300
22 Joint Municipal Court 1000 1200 1000 1200
23 Fire Protection 129712 134830 134830 141317
24 Ambulance Service 24473 25021 25021 25600
25 Numbering System 695 450 200 500
26 Street Lighting (Wis. Public Service) 8925 8500 8000 8500
27 Public Fire Protection (hydrants) 55899 55899 55899 55899
28 Clean Water/Safe Water Drinking 19484 19481 19481 19481
29 2% Fire Dues 7116 7300 7028 7300
247304 252681 251459 259797
30 Recycling 24681 25000 29000 34000
31 Solid Waste 92201 94000 92000 100000
32 Household Hazardous Waste 1050 1200 1000 1200
117932 120200 122000 135200
33 Patching/Wedging/Road Repairs 166713 170000 176700 115180
34 Road Signs, Guard Rails, Ctr Lines 6310 4000 3000 3000
35 Snowplowing and Salting 57980 90000 60000 70000
36 Highway Records to County 6168 7275 4000 6500
37 Culverts/Bridge Replacement 17870 3000 3000 12300
38 Bridge Inspection 1870 0 200 2000
39 Road Construction/Engineering 0 3000 0 0
40 Bridge Fund 30955 25000 0 25000
41 Hwy 96 Reconstruction 235787 0 15000 0
42 Partridge Circle 63000 567 112200
43 Paving Cul de Sac – Partridge Rd, Brich Creek & Hjorth 30000 32000 34000
44 Fair Rd Bridge 4200 0
523653 395275 294467 380180
45 Drainage & Trash Pickup 25838 10000 49.73 8000
46 Vegetation/Brush/Weed Control 20550 20000 20000 21000
46388 30000 20050 29000
TOTALS 1044507 922606 804290 933477
47 Trip funds 15000 15000 13480
48 Property Taxes 483929 498520 502332 511163
49 Levy Loan Amount 19481 19481 19481 19481
50 Bridge fund 25000 25000 25000 25000
51 MHP Taxes 8157 8500 6415 6500
52 Shared Revenues 69551 69172 69152 68787
53 Transportation Aids 115144 119767 119767 119766
54 Licenses 3955 4800 5120 3000
55 Rezoning, Var. & Cond. Use Fees 1100 2000 0 1500
56 Interest 4030 4000 3500 3000
57 Recycling Grant & Efficience Grant 5688 4600 4620 4400
58 Franchise/Transmission Fees 10166 10666 10366 10000
59 Recycling Revenue 3452 3500 833 0
60 Bldg Inspections and Permits 16475 10000 10300 10000
61 Special Assessment Letters 640 300 300 300
62 Misc Taxes -Lot,  PILT, Computer, MFG Forest,PP, etc 2621 1500 13241 12500
63 Miscellaneous (Bridge Aid) 4092 0 0 0
64 2% Fire Dues 7115.95 7300 7028 7300
65 Solid Waste (special charges) 109908 118500 116300 117300
890504 922606 928755 933477
EXCESS/DEFECIT Expenses -804290
Estimate Reserve as of 12/31/2015 124465
Committed Funds: Partridge Circle -63000