Town Board – Special Meeting



April 6, 2013 

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Town Board of the Town of Wrightstown, Brown County, Wisconsin, will convene on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. at 415 South Washington Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin in open session, but solely for the purpose of considering a motion to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Sections 19.85(1)(e) and 19.85(1)(g) for bargaining reasons and to confer with the Town Attorney who will render oral and perhaps written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the Town with respect to the demand and threatened litigation alternative presented to the Town Board at the Board’s March 13, 2013 regular monthly meeting by Mr. Russ Gilson.  The Town Board is informed and believes that developing an appropriate negotiation response to the Gilson demand and a strategy for dealing with the alternative likely litigation require the Town Board to convene in closed session for competitive, bargaining, and strategic legal advice of counsel reasons. 

Those permitted to remain in attendance at the closed session will be determined by separate open session motion of the Town Board. 

The Town Board will not reconvene in open session immediately following the above closed session, but it will reconvene in open session at its regular monthly Town Board meeting separately noticed and scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. on April 10, 2013 in the Town Hall located in Greenleaf. 

Notice will be posted in Greenleaf at the Town Hall, Greenleaf Wayside Bank, Agri-Partners and Dick’s Family Foods in Wrightstown and also at

Any person wishing to attend whom, because of disability, requires special accommodations, should contact the Town Clerk, at 6578 Ledgetop Drive, Greenleaf, WI 54126, (920) 864-7927 so that arrangements can be made. 

Notice posted on the 6th day of April, 2013. 


Donna Martzahl, Town Clerk